Sunday, May 20, 2007

The guardians

So, here I am, out in the country with this great yard, and I look out across the pastures, and there are dogs out there. Not one or two, but several dogs. Big dogs, like me!

You would think that they would like having another big dog here, but they don't seem to think I am anything special....yet!

There is Rico, he is an Estrela Mountain Dog and he came from Portugal. He seems to be the leader and alpha of this pack. Sokol is the Tornjak. He comes from Croatia, by way of Canada. (Long story, I will have to tell you one of these days). Czaritsa is a Gampr dog and she comes from Armenia. Those are just a few of them....I will post more about the others later.

Here are these big dogs, living in the pasture with...goats. Yep, they guard the goats from coyotes, packs of stray dogs, and other predators in this area. They are really amazing at what they do. I am in awe of them!

I try to act brave, but usually end up standing behind my mom and barking at the steers. I let her think I have her back! But, these other dogs, they will get in there and do the job. They aren't afraid of anything!

I like it that they are in the pasture and I am in the yard....I get more time with that two legged kid that way. He likes to play, and we have wrestling matches all the time. It is great fun.
Especially when mom is sleeping late on a Saturday morning and we romp across her bed and off the other side. Barking and laughing all the way. She doesn't yell about it though!

All the dogs here love that two legger, and he seems to love all of us. I love that he takes time for each and every one of us, makes us all feel special.

Well, gotta run for now. There is a squirrel that needs barked at.


Nessa Happens said...

Hi Monroe! Welcome to Blogging! You should join Dogs with Blogs...

If you are interested, go here!

Kathy said...

Monroe, so pleased to make your acquaintance. You are a handsome, and clearly intelligent Newf. My name is Kathy, and I used to be owned by Newfs. Their names were Attila, Lola, Rafferty, and Uno. After so many years as "She who Walks with Bears," it's hard to not see myself still as owned by Newfs. Like you, I also blog on Blogger. Come visit me at NewfieFlix dot net.

Tiffany said...

Hey Monroe!
I found your blog via a link on and just wanted to say hi and welcome to the blogging fun! I hope to be seeing much, much more of you!!
And Nanook is right - you will meet tons of great new friends at Dogs with Blogs!!
Newfie Kissies,

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi Monroe! Long time no post! Hope you'r ehaving fun with your family!